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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

GAME Plan Part 2

Some of the things that I will need to act out my game plan is use of the Internet, global learning communities, and current research that can be obtained through our district. One suggestion a colleague made, their district decided to develop their own learning community to begin with to interact and share ideas pertaining to the needs of their teachers and students (michelle15102).

To address evaluation and reflection on current research and professional practice, I am currently enrolled through Walden University's Masters of Education program. During my time here at Walden, I have and will be interacting with other professional educators. Through interaction with my colleagues at Walden, I am participating in a global learning community, taking what I am learning and applying it to my daily educational environment. Through my learning at Walden, I will be supplied with resources that have been tried from experienced educators around the nation.

I plan to document my progress and learning throughout this plan through my blog spot, through lesson plans, and personal application.


  1. I love that you are using our class as part of your GOAL! I thought about the same thing, but never thought to put that into my plan. You're right though; this is a huge learning community that we are apart of! We need to take full advantage of it. I like that you are going to document your progress too. I bet after graduation that this will be something interesting to look back on and read through. I hope you will be glad and will be able to learn from yourself and all that you will accomplish.


  2. Emily,
    Reflection is a very important part of the learning process. I create a portfolio each year documenting my strengths and weaknesses. I also require my students to complete portfolios. My plan this year is to complete digital portfolios and I am making this my G.A.M.E.plan. I like your idea of incorporating our learning community with our peers here at Walden. Great idea!

  3. Thanks guys for your responses! Yes, I am glad that I am using our class too and look forward to looking back at all we are have and will accomplish.

    J. Oliver, the digital portfolios are a great idea and something your students will really love creating.

    Thanks again,

  4. Emily, I have received so many great lessons ideas and resources from the students in my graduate classes. I'm glad you are experiencing the same thing. Good luck with your global learning community. I'm not as familiar with them, but you have peeked my curiosity by reading your intentions of your GAME plan.
